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Green Mission

At Metal’s we have been committed to adopting and implementing good sustainable practices for several years.

We have started from small everyday gestures, such as sorting waste and reducing plastic packaging, to implementing energy saving policies with the installation of photovoltaic panels, hybrid machines, a nitrogen generator and the implementation of a certifi ed environmental management system.

This, in accordance with the guidelines of the ISO 14001 standard, allows us to guarantee constant control of the environmental impact of our activities, a systematic search for continuous, consistent, effective and, above all, sustainable improvement.

Such investments have allowed us to produce green energy and reduce our CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, to the point of achieving almost total energy autonomy.

The next step, of which we are both enthusiastic and proud, is measuring our “carbon footprint” and publishing the first Metal’s Sustainability Report in 2025: a decision also born of the insistence of our customers, who are increasingly sensitive to the issue of environmental sustainability and ESG issues in general.

This is an ambitious journey, already planned for the next two years, and is the natural consequence of the green choices that have led us to today’s results.

Carbon footprint

We started by measuring our carbon footprint, i.e. the amount of CO2 that Metal’s emits directly and indirectly into the atmosphere, in order to develop a sustainability plan that will enable us to further reduce our environmental impact.

This analysis involves both Metal’s and also our suppliers, who will be asked to demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability. 

Today, more than ever, Metal’s Green Mission is in constant evolution.

Stainless steel in products: how to increase its longevity

Increasing the longevity of products and complex assemblies made from stainless steel is crucial for those aiming to offer high-quality products that withstand wear and time. Steel is composed of varying amounts of metals such as iron and carbon, in addition to nickel and chromium. Chromium, in particular, creates a

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We have our own generator for self-production of nitrogen

In addition to the expansion of the photovoltaic plant and mainly to have stability in gas production costs over time, few weeks ago we started a new plant for the self-production of nitrogen. Having the gas that powers our laser cutting systems always available is very important for us and

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