Metal’s S.p.A.
Via Galileo Galilei, 1D – 35010
Borgoricco (PD) Italy
Tel. +39 049 9335777
Fax +39 049 9335785
When our sales office receives an order for the creation of a complex assembly, Metal's gears up to meet the client’s requirements and agreed timelines.
How does this process work? What parts are actively involved, and what benefits do our clients gain by working with…
Metal’s case history: technical modifications to improve project performance
Sometimes, technical modifications to a project that has already been agreed upon and underway for some time can significantly enhance…
Deformation through stainless steel stamping: what it is and how to use it in your projects
Stainless steel stamping is a process that allows the metal to be shaped into a specific form. It is possible…