We have new welding machines equipped with laser technology

Few months ago we introduced two new laser welding machines into our production departments. This is an innovative welding technology that has brought us a number of advantages, including increased speed of execution, better aesthetic and functional results.

Moreover a new fully automatic plant equipped with this welding technology will be developed soon.

Company welfare extended for the year 2023

Also for the current year the COMPANY WELFARE system, introduced during 2019, has been reconfirmed.
A useful tool for employees for a better conjugation of family and professional life.
Interesting contributions for children, studies, school results and reimbursements for kindergartens in support of the family, as well as the free loan.

New certification 3834-2

certificazione ISO3834

We have successfully obtained ISO 3834-2 certification from TÜV SÜD.

The ISO 3834 standard is dedicated to welding and defines quality requirements for welding, useful both for those who perform welding activities and for those who assess the manufacturer’s ability to produce welded products according to the standard requirements.

Being certified is a great advantage because it defines and guarantees the quality of our welders and of our welding processes also at European level.

We have our own generator for self-production of nitrogen

In addition to the expansion of the photovoltaic plant and mainly to have stability in gas production costs over time, few weeks ago we started a new plant for the self-production of nitrogen.

Having the gas that powers our laser cutting systems always available is very important for us and this plant not only gives us a guarantee of continuity of supply, but above all allows us to generate less road transports further supporting the company’s initiatives related to our Green Mission.

We moved to our new offices!

Metal’s management offices have moved into our new building located on the south side of the existing premises.

New offices, all in open space, are very spacious and have allowed us to create a modern location that promotes connectivity and productivity.

Metal’s and the Sicily project

In continuation of the Sicily educational project already started last February 2022 with which we have introduced over the months about ten people in the welding and bending departments we are proceeding in these days with the introduction of other resources always from the Sicily region. This is a group of people who will first be trained on the theoretical and practical part for 2 weeks in the Metal’s Academy and then will be introduced in the welding, bending and first processing departments. In order to facilitate the transfer, colleagues will have the opportunity to stay in the apartments provided by the company. After the trial period if the conditions are met, company’s intention is to transform the collaboration to permanent contracts.

Metal’s Academy has been inaugurated this week!

Metal’s Academy is the new training course designed for those who want to be part of Metal’s world.
The center will give new hires, for specific tasks, the opportunity to undergo complete training before enter into the production departments.
Both theoretical and practical training will focus on the most critical and complex technologies we have in the company.
We wish all candidates a great experience!

Have you already seen the second issue of our magazine “Acciaio&Forma”?

Issue No. 2 of our magazine has recently been published.
Everything turns around the main theme: Metal’s as a complete supplier in the supply of systems, machines and devices developed, produced and assembled according to your projects.
Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of raw materials and technologies, we implement your specifications in various production processes and manage the entire logistics flow.

Downloading the complete pdf and enjoy the reading!

Metal’s: a single reference for your complex projects

Our goal is to turn your problems into solutions. We check the feasibility of each project, we evaluate it from a technical and economic point of view, and provide you with technically perfect and economically sustainable complex assemblies.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Metal’s wishes you all Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Our offices will be closed from December 24, 2021 until January 2, 2022 due to Christmas holidays.