Market diversification: the importance of supply chain

supply chain for market diversification

Managing a company’s supply chain for market diversification and business growth aims at optimizing and streamlining all activities, from production to logistics. It is a complex, dynamic process designed to achieve a set goal, involving various professionals who are coordinated for efficient, tailored management. This is crucial for companies operating in multiple sectors and producing new products for different markets, diversifying them.

Let’s explore what the supply chain is, why it should be applied, and the method Metal’s uses in this area.

What is a supply chain, and how it can make a difference

A supply chain refers to all the coordination activities adopted by a company to manage and optimize the stages of the entire production chain, from sourcing materials to delivering the finished product. These steps can vary by sector, but typically include:

  • technical consulting;
  • design;
  • selection and purchase of raw materials;
  • supplier coordination;
  • production;
  • logistics;
  • shipping.

The goal of this planning is to provide the client with a high-quality, customized product by enhancing every phase of the process. To achieve this and increase competitiveness in the market, multiple specialized figures are involved within the company’s ecosystem, from the technical office to product quality control managers.

Supply chain links

Within this process, three key phases, also known as “supply chain links,” ensure a complete and continuous flow:

  • sourcing: focused on acquiring the necessary raw materials to meet specific business needs (ensuring quality and the right price);
  • production: where raw materials are processed, semi-finished goods are assembled, and manual and mechanical interventions are made on the products, adhering to agreed standards;
  • distribution: delivering the requested product to the client, ensuring safety, speed, and compliance with customs regulations (if shipping abroad).

To gain the most benefits, each phase requires proactive and timely actions, making the right decisions, and interpreting varying needs.

supply chain for market diversification

What does the supply chain process involve?

The supply chain consists of a series of activities that involve multiple roles and sectors. These include:

  • Planning: Understanding the market and client needs helps plan material sourcing and inventory to meet or reduce costs, avoid waste, and prevent interruptions in the production chain.
  • Acquisition: Choosing and managing suppliers effectively helps build and maintain trusting relationships.
  • Production: All phases of product creation are involved, where specialized personnel and cutting-edge machinery—often automated—are closely coordinated to optimize performance under fair and safe working conditions.
  • Logistics: From packaging to shipping, everything is designed to streamline operations while fully complying with regulations (choosing the best transport method and providing necessary documentation for customs).

Supply chain benefits

Managing the supply chain effectively offers several advantages:

Additionally, overseeing and coordinating all supply chain stages helps prevent and quickly resolve potential risks or issues, avoiding production and logistics slowdowns. Resilience is vital in the supply chain, as it allows quick solutions when, for example, a supplier experiences delays or lacks essential components. We demonstrated how we sourced materials and components during a crisis in a dedicated case history.

Supply chain for market diversification: what’s essential today

Speed, flexibility, precision, and efficiency are key for market diversification in 2024. To remain competitive and enter new sectors – whether complex assemblies, components, or semi-finished goods – high-performing, high-quality products must be delivered, with attention to every detail, even after production. It is also important to guarantee clients on-time production while mitigating risks (such as sourcing raw materials) by always offering a viable alternative.

Coordinating relationships with multiple raw material suppliers, offering diverse and precise production in short timeframes, testing product quality, and planning logistics are fundamental to standing out in the market. Additionally, there is a growing need for a sustainable and responsible supply chain that aims to minimize environmental impact (in line with the Corporate sustainability due diligence directive, also known as the Supply Chain Act).

supply chain for market diversification

Metal’s approach to supply chain for market diversification

As we’ve seen, a well-designed supply chain offers many benefits. At Metal’s, this process allows us to serve as the sole point of contact for project management.

We handle the entire supply chain, offering a comprehensive service that includes technical consulting, design, supplier coordination, raw material procurement, lean production, assembly, and final testing. We serve various industrial sectors with tailored solutions that meet every expectation and request, verticalizing supply chains.

We also manage logistics and handling—storing even large goods in our warehouses—and deliver orders to the client’s facility, providing safe and customized packaging if needed. Regarding shipping, we can deliver orders both in Italy and abroad, handling all bureaucratic (and customs) procedures with maximum efficiency.

This way, our clients can focus on their core business, leaving the coordination of production and logistics to us.

Want to learn more?

Looking for a reliable partner for the full management of your projects? Rely on Metal’s and find out what we can do for you!

Stainless steel in products: how to increase its longevity

increase longevity complex stainless steel assemblies

Increasing the longevity of products and complex assemblies made from stainless steel is crucial for those aiming to offer high-quality products that withstand wear and time.

Steel is composed of varying amounts of metals such as iron and carbon, in addition to nickel and chromium. Chromium, in particular, creates a protective layer (also known as the “passive layer”), which is essential against corrosion. Despite stainless steel being a durable material that does not deteriorate easily, improper maintenance, incorrect cleaning, or an accident can damage the passive layer, ruin the surface, and lead to rust, stains, and even oxidation.

Therefore, it is ideal to act in two phases. The first is preventive, by scheduling one or more targeted and specific treatments during production based on the final use of the product. The second phase concerns post-sales. In this case, the end customer must take care of the stainless steel surface by always performing proper maintenance to make it last longer.

Throughout this article, we will understand the different possibilities for increasing the longevity of stainless steel. Let’s explore them together.

What can compromise the longevity of stainless steel?

Before answering this question, it is important to highlight that stainless steel is an alloy that is:

  • durable;
  • lightweight;
  • easy to clean;
  • low maintenance;
  • highly bacteria-resistant.

These characteristics make it an excellent option for producing high-quality stainless steel products and complex assemblies for various sectors, from the food industry to the pharmaceutical industry.

But how can such a durable alloy be compromised? Various factors can affect its robustness and damage the protective layer. Specifically, there are four different situations to consider:

  • Chemical contamination: Occurs when certain substances (found in chemical products like chlorides, for example, or through contact with saltwater) damage the protective shield of stainless steel, making it susceptible to corrosion.
  • Ferrous contamination: Occurs due to contamination with iron. Iron particles present on a surface or tool can deposit on the stainless steel, triggering galvanic corrosion.
  • Temperature and pollution: High temperatures can affect the quality of the metal and create darker areas on the outermost layer. Additionally, polluted air can contain substances that damage the protective layer and initiate corrosion.
  • Scratches and damages: During maintenance and cleaning, it is always advisable to use suitable products and materials to avoid scratching the protection provided by chromium.
increase longevity complex stainless steel assemblies

Treatments to increase the longevity of stainless steel

To prolong the life of products and complex assemblies made with stainless steel, specific treatments can be considered to enhance stainless steel resistance and integrity.

Depending on various needs, different surface treatments for steel can be chosen, such as:

  • Galvanization: To protect metals from galvanic corrosion.
  • Metallization: To add a layer of material (and extra protection).
  • Anti-corrosion coatings and painting: To improve the resistance and robustness of the alloy with specific treatments and products.

At Metal’s, we can perform localized treatments that maintain the surface characteristics of the steel, which would otherwise be susceptible to erosion. However, these processes are carried out only upon explicit customer request or if required by law. For example, there are specific application sectors, such as the food and medical fields, where certain treatments – like galvanization and pickling by immersion (a localized electrochemical process) – are mandated by regulations.

In particular, complex assemblies designed for the HORECA sector require both brushing and pickling. For example, slicer welds for deli counters need cleaning and pickling in visible areas. However, the customer can request additional product assurance by pickling even the non-visible areas.

The benefits of stainless steel treatments

Whether required by law or requested by the customer, surface treatments on stainless steel offer numerous benefits. Besides increasing durability and resistance to corrosion and oxidation, they help to:

  • uniform the surface;
  • improve the aesthetics of the product;
  • eliminate imperfections, shadows, and other marks;
  • remove impurities.
increase longevity complex stainless steel assemblies

The importance of routine maintenance to increase stainless steel longevity

Surface treatments on stainless steel are a crucial preventive phase that can extend the life of the stainless steel and the product.

The essential step is to always start with a good base product by evaluating only high-quality types of stainless steel. Once the product is manufactured and sold to the end customer, are there still measures to take to prevent potential damage?

Certainly, regular routine maintenance of the product is fundamental, inspecting the product periodically to detect any imperfections, signs of rust, or indications of corrosion. This allows for timely intervention before the material suffers more severe damage.

Additionally, regular deep cleaning of stainless steel surfaces is advisable, which may vary depending on the destination sector (i.e., with specific products and more or less frequent schedules). The recommendation is to use only non-abrasive cleaners and soft cloths to keep the metal surface intact, avoiding scratches as much as possible. It is also crucial to protect stainless steel from contact with corrosive substances (such as chlorides and aggressive chemicals) that can damage it and undermine its resistance and durability.

Want to know more?

Do you want to increase the longevity of your complex stainless steel assemblies and products? Discover how we can assist you: rely on our professionals and evaluate the benefits you can obtain for your processes.

Metal’s ecological footprint and the next steps for the environment

increase longevity complex stainless steel assemblies

The environment is a topic close to our hearts. That’s why in 2024 at Metal’s we have decided to expand our Green Mission by initiating two new sustainability projects:

  • Measuring the Carbon Footprint to calculate the direct and indirect amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) we emit into the atmosphere daily.
  • Developing an LCA tool (Life Cycle Assessment) to understand the environmental impact of Metal’s products throughout their lifecycle.

These ambitious goals were detailed during the presentation of our biennial sustainable development plan, and they will help us offer maximum transparency to our customers and partners regarding our daily activities at Metal’s. In this article, we present the initial results from the Carbon Footprint analysis. The data pertain to the 2023 emissions and are essential for drafting the sustainability plan. Let’s take a look.

Metal’s commitment to sustainability: carbon footprint measurement results 

As mentioned, the Carbon Footprint allows us to precisely determine the CO2 emissions of our organization for the year 2023. The calculation is based on the international “Greenhouse Gas Protocol” (GHGP) standard, a recognized standardized method in the “Corporate Standard” that classifies corporate emissions into 3 categories:

  • Scope 1: Direct emissions of the company, where all energy bill data or purchase invoices are analyzed to calculate the emissions generated by the organization through production processes and the corporate fleet.
  • Scope 2: Indirect emissions where supply contracts and GSE reports (used in photovoltaic systems) are compared to determine emissions originating from an external supplier.
  • Scope 3: Includes all other indirect CO2 emission sources related to the company’s business category (including the entire supply chain, goods transportation, business travel, investments).

Let’s examine the data that emerged for Metal’s, one by one.

Metal's sustainability results 2023 
Category: Corporate

Scope 1: CO2 emissions produced by Metal’s in 2023

The data processing for 2023 revealed that our company emitted 153 tons of CO2. Specifically:

  • 120 tons of natural gas
  • 18 tons of gasoline for vehicles
  • 15 tons of diesel for vehicles

Thus, natural gas, used for heating, contributes 78% to Scope 1 CO2 emissions.

Scope 2: What are the energy consumptions for 2023?

Two different approaches were used to measure the exact value for Scope 2:

  • Location-Based Approach: A traditional method considering the emissions of the energy mix of the region where the company is located (the mix can come from renewable sources, as well as nuclear, gas, or coal). This approach correctly represents the energy actually drawn from the grid.
  • Market-Based Approach: An alternative that considers only the electricity mix of the company’s supplier, not the regional electric grid mix. This approach accounts for the type of energy purchased, considering the potential purchase of renewable energy.

The first methodology best represents the source of energy drawn from the grid but doesn’t highlight alternative and renewable sources; conversely, the second calculation system showcases the company’s efforts towards a green alternative but isn’t exhaustive regarding the regional sources used. For a more complete result, it is best to consider both.

For Metal’s, the Carbon Footprint analysis for Scope 2 revealed the following 2023 emissions:

  • 441 tons of CO2 (Location-Based Approach)
  • 411 tons of CO2 (Market-Based Approach)

Scope 3: The purchase of raw materials is impactful

As anticipated, Scope 3 is based on parameters that vary according to the type of company. For Metal’s, the calculations were divided into two macro-categories:

  • Upstream Emissions: indirect emissions related to the purchase of goods or services (considering transport, waste, production scraps, leased assets, business travel, and commuting).
  • Downstream Emissions: focused on the emissions of sold products (including the transport of finished products to customers, product use, disposal, and investments).

For our organization, the analysis focused on these categories:

  • Purchased goods or services
  • Capital goods
  • Fuel- and energy-related activities
  • Upstream transportation and distribution
  • Waste and production scraps
  • Employee commuting
  • Downstream transportation and distribution

From the results, the Upstream category impacts Scope 3 emissions the most (with 99.6%). Here are the detailed percentages:

  • Purchased goods or services: 89% (mainly due to the purchase of raw materials like steel and auxiliary materials for producing semi-finished and complex assemblies)
  • Upstream transportation and distribution: 6%
  • Employee commuting: 3%
  • Waste and production scraps, fuel- and energy-related activities: 2%

The Downstream category, considering only the activities of transporting and distributing goods produced by Metal’s to the customer, stands at 0.4%.

Focusing on the analysis of Upstream category data:

  • The purchase of raw materials (particularly stainless steel) generated 3010 tons of CO2 (about 82%)
  • Packaging and auxiliary materials (such as paper, cardboard, wood for pallets, plastic for packaging, components for assemblies, abrasives for steel brushing, as well as financial, insurance, management services, maintenance, marketing, and outsourced work) impact 3% and 7% of the emissions linked to purchased materials.

What are the total emissions produced by Metal’s in 2023?

Metal's sustainability results 2023 
Category: Corporate

Summing up Scope 1, 2, and 3, Metal’s total CO2 emissions for 2023 are 4,716 tons. How should these numbers be interpreted, and what can be done to improve? Here are some plausible hypotheses, subject to technical feasibility evaluations in the sustainability plan to be drafted by the end of the year.

1. Finding New Solutions to Reduce Natural Gas Usage

Analyzing Scope 1 emission values (primarily from natural gas for heating and, to a lesser extent, from company vehicles) reveals that this data is relatively low compared to the total (120 tons of CO2 out of 4,716 tons total, including Scopes 1, 2, and 3). 

To improve efficiency, we can consider other ecological heating systems to reduce emissions, such as using electric heat pumps and implementing an electric or hybrid vehicle fleet.

2. Focusing on renewable resources

Scope 2 emissions calculated with the two methods – Location-Based Approach and Market-Based Approach – show that the energy mix of the electricity supplier is already better than that of the national electric grid.

It is still possible to further reduce electricity-related emissions by installing new photovoltaic systems (in addition to those already existing at Metal’s) or purchasing more energy from renewable sources

3. Evaluating the purchase of more sustainable raw materials 

For our company, the major source of CO2 emissions is Scope 3. In this case, steel purchase impacts the final percentage. For raw material procurement, Metal’s already relies on European suppliers and other entities sensitive to sustainability (reflecting our Green Mission). Our goal is to reduce the values identified in the Carbon Footprint. To achieve this, we will work on two fronts:

  • Collaborating with our suppliers to identify products with the lowest environmental impact.
  • Working with our customers to understand the importance of low-emission steel and evaluate their willingness to pay a premium for a sustainable, planet-friendly product.

A final note on waste and production scraps (a category identified within Scope 3). The emission percentage is very low (2%), but this category is strategic. By investing in scrap material, we can produce recycled steel to reduce emissions and increase product circularity.

In conclusion, every action will be decided by the end of the year during the drafting of the sustainability plan.

Want to know more?

If you care about the planet like we do and seek a serious partner already committed to developing sustainable practices, trust Metal’s. We can realize your projects, find out how!

Food-Grade Stainless Steel: What Types?

food-grade stainless stee

When talking about food-grade stainless steel, we refer to a particular alloy of stainless steel used in the beverage and food industry. It is primarily employed in this field because it prevents contamination and offers other significant advantages. But how many types of food-grade stainless steel exist, what are their characteristics, and how do they differ from other materials? In this article, we will answer all these questions.

Food-grade stainless steel: how to recognize it

Various types of stainless steel are available on the market, each suitable for specific industrial processes. In particular, the Centro Inox (Italian Association for the Development of Stainless Steels) identifies two major families:

  • Martensitic Stainless Steel: Durable, but with modest corrosion resistance (recommended for fasteners, cutting tools, and various machinery);
  • Austenitic Stainless Steel: Versatile, heat, and corrosion-resistant (used in the food and medical fields, such as for making stovetops);

Within these broad categories, there are further types of stainless steel that differ in their characteristics and specific properties. To recognize them, the AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) designation, a nomenclature composed of three digits, is used. Specifically, the first digit determines the class of resistance, and the remaining digits indicate the materials used in the alloy.

Why this classification is necessary? This subdivision is necessary because not all stainless steel is the same. Each variety is characterized by specific properties that make it perfect for certain uses. Additionally, some industrial sectors, such as the food industry, must meet specific requirements. Let’s explore what these are in more detail.

The best types of food-grade stainless steel

When referring to the food and beverage sector, we talk about food-grade stainless steel, a colloquial term used to identify all materials that meet the very high hygiene standards required for these processes. Specifically, two alloys are used in this sector: AISI 316 and AISI 304. Here are the main characteristics and differences.

Food-grade stainless steel AISI 316

AISI 316 is an austenitic stainless steel that contains molybdenum, a transition metal that, when combined with steel, increases its hardenability, hardness, mechanical strength at high temperatures, and corrosion resistance (even when using acids and chlorides such as salt). It is a highly valuable material and withstands temperatures significantly higher than those required during food preparation.

Food-grade stainless steel AISI 304

AISI 304 refers to a stainless steel characterized by a chromium content ranging from 18% to 20% and a nickel content between 8% and 11%. Cheaper than AISI 316, it is often used in the food and beverage sector because it is compatible with most food products (it is better to avoid very acidic and corrosive ones). Additionally, it is notable for its resistance and its ability to withstand both high and low temperatures.

Are there differences between stainless steel and other types of steel?

What distinguishes stainless steel from other types of steel is the presence of chromium. Specifically, to be classified as stainless steel, it must contain at least 10.5% of this valuable chemical element. Its characteristic? Chromium creates a thin, transparent protective layer that enhances the stainless steel’s resistance compared to other steels available on the market.

This is why stainless steel is a more:

  • tough;
  • lightweight and easy to work with (even with laser technologies);
  • corrosion-resistant;
  • heat-resistant;
  • easy to clean and requires low maintenance (capable of ensuring the necessary hygiene for those working daily in the food sector).

Moreover, it does not require additional protective coatings (essential for some steel materials) and has high bacterial removability, preventing and avoiding food contamination through contact with the material.

How to choose the right food-grade stainless steel?

As we have seen, stainless steel is the best alloy for food processing. However, choosing the most suitable type depends entirely on your needs and the final use of the product. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate, between AISI 316 and 304 stainless steels, which one meets all the necessary requirements. This includes considering the chemical composition of the food (paying attention to potentially corrosive elements) and the temperatures required during heating or refrigeration.

Regarding processing, at Metal’s, we have a constantly updated and state-of-the-art machine park that allows us to successfully complete any project, satisfying all functional, aesthetic, cost, and quality objectives set by the customer. Additionally, we specialize in particular processes such as brushing, essential for eliminating scratches and preserving the hygiene of the material.

At Metal’s, we specialize in processing stainless steel, including food-grade stainless steel. We have chosen to work exclusively with stainless steel to avoid contamination from foreign metals and to offer products that are safe for all food markets. Moreover, when projects involve working with different materials, we operate in separate processing environments to prevent any compromise of the stainless steel’s integrity.

Would you like to know more?

Discover how we can assist you in processing food-grade stainless steel. Trust our professionals and evaluate the benefits you can achieve for your operations.

Metal’s commitment: a biennial plan for sustainable development

Metal's commitment to sustainability and the environment

At Metal’s, commitment to sustainability and the environment remains a top priority throughout 2024. Respect for the planet – and the community in which we operate – is a topic we deeply care about, and there are several projects we intend to undertake to further develop our Green Mission.

Furthermore, in recent years, attention towards these aspects has been very high, both in European and non-European markets. For example, some regulations have been introduced (such as the European directives CSRD and CSDDD to promote responsible corporate behavior towards the environment and human rights), which are pushing companies to move increasingly towards clear and transparent communication regarding environmental, social, and governance issues. Equally important, even the most attentive and demanding customers are interested in the environmental impact of production and the product itself.

For this reason, we have planned a series of initiatives aimed at developing an effective path for sustainable development. A path that we want to embark on from now on, even in the absence of a legal obligation, because we want to anticipate the times, provide our customers with increasingly precise and updated data on our activities, but above all because we want to set concrete goals in terms of ESG development.

The first project we have decided to undertake is aimed at measuring our current environmental impact. This is a fundamental operation to define the starting point for future actions and establish tangible improvement objectives.

So, we started with the calculation of our organization’s CO2 emissions, as well as the development of a tool that calculates the emissions required for the production of our clients’ products.

Metal’s and the environment: commitment for 2024

Indeed, there will be two significant projects in our green journey for the first half of 2024: measuring the company’s Carbon Footprint – started in January 2024 – and developing an LCA tool. All these activities will be carried out with the support of external companies specialized in this field. Let’s see how.

1. Measurement of the company’s Carbon Footprint

The measurement of the Carbon Footprint allows us to calculate the exact amount of carbon dioxide (CO2), both direct and indirect, that we release into the atmosphere every day.
The calculation of company emissions adheres to the international standard ‘Greenhouse Gas Protocol’ (GHGP), a global framework for the measurement and management of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions derived from the operations of public or private entities. Everything is based on a standardized method – contained in the ‘Corporate Standard‘ guide – that classifies company emissions into categories:

  • Scope 1: corresponds to direct emissions generated by the company through production processes and the company fleet. To obtain the data, we analyze, for example, energy bills, various company invoices, consumption monitoring systems, also evaluating fuel usage and travel distances.
  • Scope 2: represents the data for indirect emissions, generated by an external supplier (both for electricity and thermal energy). To extract the necessary information to calculate it, we compare bills and supply contracts, or proceed with meter readings, inverter readings, and GSE reports (if there are photovoltaic systems).
  • Scope 3: considers all other forms of indirect emissions not included in Scope 2, such as: purchased goods, freight transport, business travel, investments. There are a total of 15 Scope 3 categories, to be evaluated based on the type of business.

The calculation therefore involves all areas of our operations and also involves our suppliers. Therefore, it requires a few months of development, but the results are expected by the end of this month (May 2024).

2. Development of an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) tool for the products we produce

During the same period, we will also focus on the development of an LCA tool (Life Cycle Assessment). What is it? It’s a very important tool that will allow us to understand the impact of every product created at Metal’s throughout its entire life cycle, from the extraction of steel for semi-finished products (and any other raw materials associated with complex assemblies) to production, transportation, and delivery to our customer.

This way, we will be able to provide our customers with accurate and specific information for each product sold. To calculate the CO2 emissions of each item produced, a series of data will be analyzed. In particular, the tool will evaluate:

  • The type of steel and other materials used; 
  • Internal and external manufacturing processes; 
  • Transportation of raw materials to our facility; 
  • Modes and transportation to our customers.

Again, to ensure the most accurate measurements possible, some operations will directly involve our suppliers.

Sustainability is a topic that we care deeply about

What we have just described is only the beginning of a long journey towards sustainability that we have decided to undertake some time ago and is part of our Green Mission. The real challenge, in the coming years, will be to implement all the necessary measures and interventions to further improve our performance in terms of ESG, namely environmental, social, and governance programs.

Today, at Metal’s, we can be satisfied with our path towards sustainability. In particular, we have:

  • Implemented an environmental management system (in accordance with the guidelines provided by ISO 14001 standards) to ensure constant monitoring of the environmental impact of our activities; 
  • Upgraded our machinery park with increasingly efficient equipment;
  • Installed photovoltaic panels to utilize more energy from renewable sources; 
  • Launched a new plant for nitrogen self-production.
Metal's commitment to sustainability and the environment

In the social sphere, in addition to various welfare tools already in place to support workers and achieve a better work-life balance, we obtained ISO 45001 certification in 2018, which pertains to management systems for occupational health and safety.

But this is not enough for us: as long as there is room for improvement, at Metal’s, we will seek to adopt all necessary practices to do so, involving all stakeholders, both internal and external, with a comprehensive assessment of risks and opportunities in mind.

Do you want to know more? 

If you care about sustainability like we do and are looking for a reliable partner already committed to developing good sustainable practices, trust Metal’s to bring your projects to life.

Metal’s case study: how we improved production with automated processing

Case study: automated processing

At Metal’s, we manufacture assemblies, semi-finished products, parts and components in stainless steel, both simple and complex. We not only process stainless steel but also take care of the design and technical phases, advising our clients on potential improvements to optimize processing times or reduce production costs, obviously without affecting quality. Our work is full of challenges; we go beyond fulfilling our client’s orders and cover the entire logistical process. We always keep to the agreements, the budget and produce (or assemble) the desired quantities on time. In some cases, we even intervene ourselves, suggesting improvements to the client’s project to maximize production efficiency, thus limiting costs and accelerating delivery times.

Improved production efficiency through automated processing: a Metal’s case study

With a view to continuous improvement, whenever possible, we also propose improvements in the production process.

In particular, in the case outlined in this article, you can see how we can intervene to optimize the processing of a product, reducing working times and costs.

The case and the suggestion in brief: a significant modification to the production process to reduce costs and time

For a major client in the food industry, who has been relying on Metal’s for years to manufacture fryers and ovens, we evaluated a change in the welding process.
Prior to the innovation we proposed, this process was artisanal and involved human intervention. Therefore, we suggested a new type of processing that also met the customer’s need to improve the final product, while reducing costs and time.

Our proposal: choosing laser robot welding to reduce time and costs

Our engineering department proposed standardizing the processing by replacing manual labor with faster and cheaper robotic laser welding, and opting for a new interlocking system.

In fact, laser welding does not overheat surfaces as manual welding does, is more precise as it operates on a specific area, and is faster— a superior method for manufacturing fryers and ovens, two products with delicate stress requirements.

Know-how and technology

Having accepted the suggestion, the client was able to enjoy the benefits of choosing an innovative production process without additional investments, resulting in improved products both aesthetically and in terms of functionality.

Testing and prototypes to verify product quality

Before suggesting the automated processing option in this project, our engineering department evaluated all the actual benefits of the proposed solution by simulating different conditions. Through a series of tests, technicians confirmed the production benefits, discarding less convincing options and also evaluating the best choices to be adopted to reduce working time.

Confirmation that the new production process did not alter the appearance or quality of the already marketed products came only with the prototyping of the product. The prototype allowed the client to test the quality of the proposed solution, evaluating its aesthetics, functionality, and stability. Furthermore, we demonstrated that automated processing was faster, reducing potential material waste.

“For this particular project, our technical department took the initiative to show the client the advantages of automation, suggesting the transformation of the current manual process into an automated one. First, we explained to the client the benefits they could gain, both in terms of costs and production speed. The initial concern about this change, driven by uncertainty about the aesthetics and quality of the product, was quickly overcome by creating a prototype that demonstrated the product met all expected standards. The prototype was also useful for verifying the usability of the product, in addition to its robustness and functionality.” – Luca Regazzo, Technical Sales Manager.”

The benefits of automated processing

All modifications – whether requested by the client or proposed by Metal’s technical department – never affect the production process. When evaluating the introduction of a new processing method – as in this case study – or improvements to optimize costs, production, and processes, the processes proceed quickly to always meet the agreed timelines.

In this case, in particular, thanks to automation, times were even improved, and our client was able to benefit from the advantages of automated processing. Laser technology, in particular, offers accuracy, speed, and high processing performance, adapting well to complex surface treatments. Incorporating laser welding into this project allowed us to speed up the entire process, benefiting from more precise processing and reduced material waste, optimizing work quality and costs.

Today, at Metal’s, the machine park is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, always operational, 24/7. The machine park continues to expand because our goal is to refine processing and provide our clients with the best opportunities in the market. In this case study, we’ve presented an example of what we can do for you with our knowledge and technologies to help you grow and improve your production.

Collaborative robots in the field of mechanical machining

Collaborative robots

Collaborative robots (or cobots) are designed to promote interaction between machines and humans in the production environment.

Conceived in the late 1990s by two professors from Northwestern University, J. Edward Colgate and Michael Peshkin, cobots have become increasingly efficient and safe. The Danish company Universal Robots introduced them to the market in the 2000s, selling the first product in 2008 and thereby paving the way for smart manufacturing.

But how does the collaboration between humans and machines take place? How do they differ from traditional robots? And can they truly enhance production? In this article, we will address all these questions.

Cobot Robot: what they are, differences from robots, and main characteristics

Collaborative cobots are innovative robots designed to facilitate cooperation and interaction between workers and machines. They can lighten the operator’s workload and support them in more risky and heavy tasks.

This collaboration is made possible by some fundamental characteristics that differentiate cobots from traditional robots, such as lightweight design and innovative features including safety sensors. On one hand, these features ease the integration of the machine into the workplace, and on the other hand, they enhance its (artificial) intelligence to improve and maximize productivity by automating almost all operations.

The main differences from traditional robots

Cobots differ from traditional robots in terms of flexibility and lightweight design. Traditional robots are typically massive, heavy, and stationed at a fixed position. They occupy large spaces, and people need to maintain a proper distance from them, respecting the boundaries set by safety barriers.

Collaborative robots, on the other hand, represent a true revolution in the world of industrial robotics. They are light, compact, and designed with an anthropomorphic design that mirrors some human features. For example, some cobots trace the features of the arm in their shapes, even copying its movements.

Cobots, furthermore, involve sharing space with people when the work areas allow it. They have been designed to enable workers to perform various operations in close proximity to the machine, and, following a risk analysis, in most cases, they are implemented without protective barriers, ensuring total safety.

As for productivity, traditional robots excel in handling large volumes but are characterized by high rigidity. Cobots, on the other hand, are flexible and easy to deploy even on different tasks.

The characteristics that make cobots unique

Collaborative robots can be integrated into a work environment more easily compared to traditional robots, which require specific spaces along with the protective barriers we have already mentioned. They are versatile and programmable to perform various tasks, especially strenuous ones, in challenging environments, automating tedious and repetitive operations for the worker.

The proximity between humans and machines is also a plus because it allows combining the worker’s experience with the precision and endurance of the cobot. Both will work on the same components but with different tasks, thereby increasing production and reducing error rates.

Moreover, these mechanical arms, thanks to their compact size, do not alter the production layout and are quick to install. They do not require special electrical modifications. Additionally, thanks to the simple and intuitive programming interface, cobots can seamlessly integrate into an existing production line, and all workers (even those without previous experience in collaborative robotics) can quickly set up their functions.

Finally, cobots consume minimal energy, minimizing waste.

In summary, cobots offer:

  • Innovative design
  • Flexibility
  • Lightweight structure and movements
  • Ease of programming
  • Increased safety
  • Compact size
  • Collaboration with workers

All these features make them unique and excellent allies for increasing productivity.

The “Safety Issue”

The safety of cobots is a topic that deserves further exploration. As mentioned earlier, most collaborative robots do not require the installation of barriers, but precautions are still necessary to ensure the absolute safety of personnel.

One of these precautions is speed limitation, as outlined in the Technical Standard UNI EN ISO 10218-2:2011, included in the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. The standard dictates that the cobot should be designed to modify its actions and movements based on human presence. This allows the machine to reduce its speed as soon as a person enters the workspace, returning to normal operation after the person exits.

All of this is made possible by sophisticated and reliable sensors and motion control systems that accurately and promptly detect human presence (and other obstacles) in the work area.
Furthermore, some cobots are equipped with additional safety features, such as a sensitive surface that immediately stops upon contact with people and restrictions on the orientation of tools in case an operator enters a risky area.

Collaborative robotics and industry: what future holds?

The industrial sector is becoming increasingly aware of the positive impact that cobots and, more broadly, collaborative robotics can offer in the workplace.

The collaboration between humans and machines can relieve workers from certain heavy, repetitive, and risky tasks, allowing them to focus on other activities. Additionally, cobots can be implemented in various projects to reduce overall time and costs, not to mention the energy savings in general consumption.

Equipped with highly sensitive sensors, cobots ensure maximum precision in all stages of the manufacturing process, guaranteeing quality and accuracy in production.

This is why the adoption of these new intelligent machines is a growing trend. The Interact Analysis Global Collaborative Robot Market – 2023 study estimates that “the size of the global collaborative robot market is expected to reach $10.8 billion by 2028, with a year-over-year growth of 40.1%.”

Why use cobot robots in the mechanical and metallurgical industries

As highlighted, integrating cobots into the machinery can improve and innovate production, with a primary focus on assisting operators in hazardous or heavy tasks.

Collaborative robotics can be easily employed in various sectors, including mechanical and metallurgical industries. This innovation aligns optimally with the needs of smart manufacturing, facilitating intelligent management of processes and human resources. Moreover, it allows companies to stay abreast of the times, offering products capable of meeting the evolving demands of the market.

In particular, in the mechanical and metallurgical sectors, cobots can enhance the precision of machining, minimizing the risks of errors. They are useful in the following phases:

  • Assembly: for assembling parts made of metal, plastic, and other materials; screwing and fastening various components.
  • Welding: for safely welding components using various methods (including laser technology)
  • Handling: to automate the loading and unloading of materials.

Collaborative robots are, therefore, cutting-edge technology that can improve business performance and the production process, not by replacing humans but by enhancing and refining their work.

In Metal’s, we are finalizing projects that involve the application of cobots to automate various phases of our process, particularly for performing operations such as:

  • MIG and TIG welding
  • Laser welding
  • Brushing
  • Capacitor discharge

Collaborative robotics can perfectly integrate into the existing production line to handle complex tasks requiring a high level of precision and quality. They can relieve operators from more strenuous tasks, improve finishes by increasing precision, and enhance consistency in production, further innovating our machinery.

Would you like to know more?

Rely on Metal’s for your projects: we produce and assemble systems, machines, and complete devices according to your plans, using state-of-the-art machinery to ensure production within agreed timelines.

Surface treatments for steel: shot peening and satin finishing

Steel surface treatments

Shot peening and satin finishing are two of the most commonly used surface treatments for refining stainless steel surfaces.

But what goals do they allow to achieve, and how do the two processes differ? In this article, we will explore the advantages, common characteristics, and differences between the two methodologies, as well as how to use them effectively.

What are the surface treatments of stainless steel and what are they used for?

Various surface treatments can be applied to stainless steel. These processes are typically carried out after manufacturing, with either aesthetic or functional purposes. They are useful, for example, in removing scratches or enhancing the material’s resistance.

Among the well-known surface treatments for stainless steel, we can mention:

  • brushing to smooth the surface;
  • electropolishing: providing a shiny, brilliant surface and reducing roughness;

In addition to these, we’ll delve into stainless steel shot peening and satin finishing in the following paragraphs.

What is stainless steel shot peening and how it is done

As reported in the study “Effect of shot peening on the hardening and surface roughness of nitrided austenitic stainless steel”, published in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, shot peening is a treatment that enhances not only the material’s aesthetics but also renews its robustness and extends its life.

Following all processes – such as cutting, welding, punching… – stainless steel undergoes significant changes in its structure, which tends to lose strength and resistance.

The shot peening process takes place in the final stages of production and is entrusted to specific machinery where stainless steel is literally bombarded by thousands of spheres (made of glass, steel, ceramic) across its entire surface.

This process occurs at high speed. The compressed air jet – controlled at every step – pushes the beads against the area to be treated, ensuring a better distribution of tension throughout the material and increasing its solidity without damaging the surface. In fact, the process creates small craters on the stainless steel’s surface layer, inducing metal compression, making it more resistant and durable.

Additionally, this treatment also impacts the aesthetics of the steel. Shot peening, indeed, eliminates imperfections and scratches, improves material adhesion, and roughness, preparing the material for subsequent processes, such as painting, for example.

Shot peening and micropowder peening of stainless steel: features and benefits

Shot peening and micropowder peening are two treatments that are practically identical, differing primarily in the size of the spheres used in the process. Micropowder peening, in particular, is recommended for the processing of high-quality and delicate components.

Depending on the desired finish, the abrasive material of the spheres (such as ceramic, glass, stainless steel) and their size can be selected to recreate a uniform, matte, non-reflective, and highly homogeneous surface.

The shot peening or micropowder peening process is, therefore, recommended for:

  • increasing the durability of the material;
  • improving the strength of stainless steel after processing;
  • uniformizing the surface;
  • eliminating oxidation, welding traces, and imperfections.

Satin finishing of stainless steel: What is its purpose?

Satin finishing, on the other hand, is a treatment primarily focused on the aesthetic aspect of a stainless steel product. In this case as well, the process occurs on the material’s surface to be worked on, but it involves the use of abrasive belts to eliminate imperfections and scratches. Moreover, the belts can have different grains and formats depending on the desired result.

The satin finishing process is delicate and rather complex: the treatment must be uniform, carried out with great precision, and using cutting-edge machinery to perfectly address defects caused by previous processes (such as bending and welding).

The advantages of satin finishing can be summarized as follows:

  • Eliminates imperfections resulting from stainless steel processing (such as burrs, oxidation, and scratches).
  • Gives the metal a matt appearance, making it aesthetically more appealing.
  • Removes the reflection on the surface, making it opaque (useful in certain markets, such as the food and packaging industry, for example).
  • Prepares stainless steel for further surface treatments or coatings.

Why consider shot-peened steel?

As we have seen, satin finishing and shot peening are two crucial surface treatments for stainless steel, especially for those involved in complex assemblies. Each treatment has its own characteristics that should be considered based on the ultimate goal and the target market.

Shot-peened steel is more durable because shot peening, as we’ve discussed, increases its robustness, in addition to improving its aesthetics. Therefore, this can be a process to consider not only for enhancing the product’s appearance but also to prepare it well for subsequent processing stages and enhance its durability over time.

Upon request, at Metal’s, we carry out shot peening treatments on stainless steel using glass or ceramic microspheres. This material, in particular, allows us to work on the product’s aesthetics while simultaneously enhancing the hardness and resistance of the material.

Of course, to achieve the desired result, factors such as the hardness of the material used for the spheres, their size, the speed, flow, and intensity of the jet must be taken into consideration.

Do you want to know more?

Discover the best stainless steel surface treatments for your project. Rely on our professionals and evaluate the benefits you can achieve in your processes.

Metal’s case history: optimizing costs while maintaining the product’s aesthetics to adapt it to different markets

At Metal’s we manufacture stainless steel assemblies, semi-finished products, parts and components in agreed quantities, managing the entire process: from orders to delivery. We can handle all kinds of projects, especially the most complex and challenging ones, following every step of the logistical and production process.

Our goal is to deliver the required products to our customers, respecting the quality and technical prerogatives agreed during the design phase. We operate in different markets, adapting design and functionality to their characteristics, and following the entire product realization process. Whenever possible, we recommend improved options to reduce production costs without affecting the quality of the materials used or delivery times.

Reducing production costs while meeting market demands: a Metal’s case history

The feasibility of a project and the application of possible improvements in economic and technical terms are assessed by our technical department. This analysis usually takes place at an early stage of the process but can be requested by the customer at a later stage, when production has already started. As happened, for example, with a major customer in the Food & Beverage sector.

The case and the request in brief: cutting costs without affecting quality and aesthetics

A company operating in the Food & Beverage sector entrusted us with the manufacture of beverage vending machines: products that we supply to our customer ready for shipment to their end customer, packaged and placed on the pallet, equipped with a welded painted steel frame, display, plastic accessories, wheels and stickers.

The request: to find a solution that would allow us to reduce product production costs without affecting quality and aesthetics, while ensuring compliance with the specifications necessary to produce distributors in line with the needs of the various markets. A common request among our customers, who often contact us to produce the product while optimizing production costs.

It is a different challenge for every project. Each one requires a specific and customized solution. In this case, for example, the beverage dispenser had to have a very large display, refrigerator and boiler, because it was intended for the Middle Eastern market.

Our proposal: a new fastening system combined with new folds

The technical team that followed the initial stages of study and design suggested:

  • to change the fastening systems, shifting from welding to riveting (a technique that maintains the same solidity and rigidity, at lower costs);
  • implement special bends to allow specific fastenings;
  • consider the industrialization of the process by creating dedicated molds to produce the parts and using robotics during the brushing phase.

More design solutions to choose from

The proposals put forth by our technical department were aimed at cost reduction. Suggestions were then evaluated by the customer, who took them into consideration for his final choice. Our task, in fact, is to develop the project in accordance with the requirements agreed with those who rely on us. It is always the client who identifies which among the suggested options is most suitable for their objectives.

Analysis and testing to achieve the best possible result

At Metal’s, the technical department is involved from the early stages of the process. In particular, it assesses the technical feasibility of the project and the costs, then creates prototypes to be tested before starting production.

What happens when you involve the technical department in a project that has already started, as in the case illustrated in this article? Just as if it were a new job. The department explores possible alternatives to fulfil the client’s requirements. It examines and tests various options, outlining the advantages of each proposal and presenting the client only those renderings that can enhance the project.

For example, when making beverage dispensers for Middle Eastern countries, our engineering department considered the particular functionalities of the product, evaluating different alternatives to reduce costs while meeting the demands of the target market and the quality of the components.

This has been an interesting challenge for our team: being a complex assembly, every decision made could also affect other elements, starting from the aesthetics:

“When the customer asked us if it was possible to reduce product costs without interfering with the aesthetics and quality of the components, the engineering department took back the initial project to evaluate possible solutions. It was an interesting challenge since these particular beverage vending machines were designed for the Middle Eastern market. In this model, in fact, both a refrigerator and a coffee boiler have been installed, along with a larger display compared to traditional ones. All components that – if modified – could affect both costs and aesthetics of the product. The technical department therefore made several proposals, creating a prototype for the customer to physically test the functionalities of the new version of the product and evaluate any modifications”. – Luca Regazzo, Technical Sales Manager.

From design to delivery: entrust everything to us

When the customer positively evaluated the prototype, our technical department gave the green light for production. The product was then tested to ensure it met all standards before being delivered and placed on the target market.

At Metal’s, we follow every phase of the process – we have already talked about how we work in a dedicated article – and, if required, we can assemble the various components to provide a finished product ready for use. Thanks to a state-of-the-art machine park, in operation 24 hours a day, we ensure continuous production and delivery of products on time.

We can also handle logistics. If the product is complete and requires no further finishing, you can entrust the shipment to us and we will ensure that your batches arrive at their destination. As far as packaging is concerned, all specifications are agreed upon in advance with the customer and customized to ensure that the product is delivered without damage and designed to optimize transport.

A single partner for the most complex projects

The case study discussed in this article is just one of many examples of how we work every day to meet our customers’ demands. Rely on Metal’s for your productions.

Metal’s for complex stainless steel assemblies: the supply of systems in an advanced state of assembly

When our sales department receives an order for the production of a complex assembly, the Metal’s machine is set in motion to meet the demands and timelines agreed with our customers.

How does this process work, which parties are actively involved and what are the benefits for those who turn to us?

From the raw materials purchase – in particular stainless steel – to order and delivery management, those who decide to use Metal’s services can interface with a single partner that verticalizes complex and specialized supply chains.

In this article we will explain in detail how we procure raw materials, how we classify them before production and what technologies are involved in the entire process, allowing us to achieve the complex assemblies designed for and with our customers, on time.

Material procurement: stainless steel

In a previous article, we saw how we work at Metal’s and how our production process develops. In this in-depth look, we will focus on the material procurement phase, which – in our case – corresponds mainly to the purchase of stainless steel.

The main types of stainless steel we use are:

  • AISI 304: the percentage of chrome (between 18 and 20%) and nickel (between 8 and 11%) makes it a valuable material, highly resistant to corrosion, but also easy to machine. Recommended for products for food preservation and the chemical industry.
  • AISI 430: ferritic type, this stainless steel is resistant to high temperatures. It can be used in the food industry.
  • AISI 316: a standard stainless steel composed of a variable percentage of chromium (between 16% and 18%), nickel (between 11% and 14%) and molybdenum (between 2% and 3%). With its high corrosion resistance, it can be used in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries.

The material is purchased from the most important European steel mills that can supply flattened sheets already cut to a specific, standard or customised format. Of course, we can also obtain other types of stainless steel according to our customers’ needs.

Precise orders and careful checks upon receipt of the goods

Once we have determined with the customer the most suitable type of stainless steel for a complex assembly in an advanced state of assembly, we enter the order into our management system and send it to the supplier.

The order is complete with drawings, all specifications and accompanied by a technical supply specification, i.e. a detailed document in which we specify to our supplier the requirements of the material, both technical (such as dimensions and thickness) and aesthetic (such as finish, roughness). In this document we also indicate the choice of packaging. This is a crucial detail because all our plants are equipped with automatic loading systems and an incorrect assessment can slow down production.

Upon receipt of the material, warehouse staff check the suitability and accompanying documentation, verifying the accuracy of the information given and consistency with the product ordered.

It should be noted that a 3.1 certificate (as required by EN 10204) identifying the casting origin of the material is always attached to each delivery. This document contains all the chemical characteristics of the stainless steel and is essential for the verification phase and its processing.

If everything complies, the material is labelled and placed in the warehouse, ready to be used.

The importance of labelling

The labelling of the raw material is crucial because the unique code identifies both the supplier’s lot and our finished product. This makes it possible to trace the material at all times, even after the complex assembly has been delivered to our customers.

This is an added value for those who rely on Metal’s because, in the event of non-conformity reports or requests for specifications such as the traceability of products destined for the medical sector, for example, we can trace the raw material that was used in the production of each item at any time.

With the advanced management system, every flow is always under control

At Metal’s we use the best technology for order and production flow management. We have already anticipated that the order sending to suppliers is done through a management system. This allows us to speed up the automatic procurement of material and share important documents such as drawings, checklists, and specifications.

In fact, our ERP management system is connected to all areas of Metal’s, from administration to warehousing, and in real time can return an exact snapshot of stocks and material usage for each specific project. Thanks to an advanced functionality (i.e. the MRP algorithm), the management system analyses the requirements of sales orders and generates purchase or production requests.

Depending on the type of article and the agreements with the customer, the articles are automatically ordered by the system so as not to slow down production and anticipate hypothetical shortages of raw materials. Obviously, all articles are managed with different procurement policies and stocks, production batches and lead times are entered manually to guarantee agreed deliveries.

In addition, to ensure quick responses to market demands, at Metal’s we use the inventory management system known as consignment stock. This means that within our warehouses, in agreement with our suppliers, we keep a certain quantity of stainless steel that we will only use when needed. The advantage? Always having a stock of raw material, for a smooth workflow.

An integrated and shared system

At Metal’s we have chosen ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software that respects the Industry 4.0 production paradigm and is always interconnected with our state-of-the-art machinery.

The ERP is natively integrated with all MES (for production management) WMS (for logistics) and TQM (dedicated to quality control). In this way, information is usable and easy to monitor in real time and at all company levels.

In detail:

  • MES (Manufacturing Execution System) returns the progress of production orders, records timings in real time and shares all the required documentation.
  • WMS (Warehouse Management System) enables timely management of materials by determining the location of items within the company and inventories.
  • TQM (Total Quality Management) analyses any process drifts in real time and ensures that pre-set PPMs are achieved.

What happens when the order includes materials other than stainless steel?

For some customers we produce complex assemblies involving the assembly of steel with other materials. For the procurement of the materials, we can follow two solutions:

  • rely on our Italian and international suppliers;
  • contacting trusted partners suggested by our customers.

In the first case, we can request a quotation and obtain the necessary components at a favourable price and/or with better delivery conditions. If these conditions satisfy our customers, then we can proceed with the order.

Of course – at the customer’s request – we can intervene at any time. For example, during the production phase to optimise costs without sacrificing product quality or, in an emergency, when a component has to be replaced or is no longer commercially available.

In a fast-moving and ever-changing market, being able to count on a single point of contact for supply – technically prepared and able to adapt to ever-changing requirements – is a crucial competitive advantage.

Outsourcing management is also digital

Finally, we have activated a SCC portal to manage the outsourced supply chain in an integrated manner for activities involving the support of external suppliers. In this way, orders generated by the management system are conveyed to the portal, which is always within reach of the supplier.

A tool easy to manage and consult, in which: 

  • orders are recorded (including drawings and all relevant information); 
  • you can find out the production progress; 
  • it is possible to generate the labels required for the delivery and identification of goods. 

In this way, communication is reduced to a minimum, avoiding dispersion of information and optimising production schedules.

Would you like to know more?

The manufacture of complex stainless steel assemblies involves the purchase of raw materials as well as their processing. Find out how we manage the entire process without delays and what advantages you can gain by choosing Metal’s as your single point of contact.