Stainless steel in products: how to increase its longevity

increase longevity complex stainless steel assemblies

Increasing the longevity of products and complex assemblies made from stainless steel is crucial for those aiming to offer high-quality products that withstand wear and time.

Steel is composed of varying amounts of metals such as iron and carbon, in addition to nickel and chromium. Chromium, in particular, creates a protective layer (also known as the “passive layer”), which is essential against corrosion. Despite stainless steel being a durable material that does not deteriorate easily, improper maintenance, incorrect cleaning, or an accident can damage the passive layer, ruin the surface, and lead to rust, stains, and even oxidation.

Therefore, it is ideal to act in two phases. The first is preventive, by scheduling one or more targeted and specific treatments during production based on the final use of the product. The second phase concerns post-sales. In this case, the end customer must take care of the stainless steel surface by always performing proper maintenance to make it last longer.

Throughout this article, we will understand the different possibilities for increasing the longevity of stainless steel. Let’s explore them together.

What can compromise the longevity of stainless steel?

Before answering this question, it is important to highlight that stainless steel is an alloy that is:

  • durable;
  • lightweight;
  • easy to clean;
  • low maintenance;
  • highly bacteria-resistant.

These characteristics make it an excellent option for producing high-quality stainless steel products and complex assemblies for various sectors, from the food industry to the pharmaceutical industry.

But how can such a durable alloy be compromised? Various factors can affect its robustness and damage the protective layer. Specifically, there are four different situations to consider:

  • Chemical contamination: Occurs when certain substances (found in chemical products like chlorides, for example, or through contact with saltwater) damage the protective shield of stainless steel, making it susceptible to corrosion.
  • Ferrous contamination: Occurs due to contamination with iron. Iron particles present on a surface or tool can deposit on the stainless steel, triggering galvanic corrosion.
  • Temperature and pollution: High temperatures can affect the quality of the metal and create darker areas on the outermost layer. Additionally, polluted air can contain substances that damage the protective layer and initiate corrosion.
  • Scratches and damages: During maintenance and cleaning, it is always advisable to use suitable products and materials to avoid scratching the protection provided by chromium.
increase longevity complex stainless steel assemblies

Treatments to increase the longevity of stainless steel

To prolong the life of products and complex assemblies made with stainless steel, specific treatments can be considered to enhance stainless steel resistance and integrity.

Depending on various needs, different surface treatments for steel can be chosen, such as:

  • Galvanization: To protect metals from galvanic corrosion.
  • Metallization: To add a layer of material (and extra protection).
  • Anti-corrosion coatings and painting: To improve the resistance and robustness of the alloy with specific treatments and products.

At Metal’s, we can perform localized treatments that maintain the surface characteristics of the steel, which would otherwise be susceptible to erosion. However, these processes are carried out only upon explicit customer request or if required by law. For example, there are specific application sectors, such as the food and medical fields, where certain treatments – like galvanization and pickling by immersion (a localized electrochemical process) – are mandated by regulations.

In particular, complex assemblies designed for the HORECA sector require both brushing and pickling. For example, slicer welds for deli counters need cleaning and pickling in visible areas. However, the customer can request additional product assurance by pickling even the non-visible areas.

The benefits of stainless steel treatments

Whether required by law or requested by the customer, surface treatments on stainless steel offer numerous benefits. Besides increasing durability and resistance to corrosion and oxidation, they help to:

  • uniform the surface;
  • improve the aesthetics of the product;
  • eliminate imperfections, shadows, and other marks;
  • remove impurities.
increase longevity complex stainless steel assemblies

The importance of routine maintenance to increase stainless steel longevity

Surface treatments on stainless steel are a crucial preventive phase that can extend the life of the stainless steel and the product.

The essential step is to always start with a good base product by evaluating only high-quality types of stainless steel. Once the product is manufactured and sold to the end customer, are there still measures to take to prevent potential damage?

Certainly, regular routine maintenance of the product is fundamental, inspecting the product periodically to detect any imperfections, signs of rust, or indications of corrosion. This allows for timely intervention before the material suffers more severe damage.

Additionally, regular deep cleaning of stainless steel surfaces is advisable, which may vary depending on the destination sector (i.e., with specific products and more or less frequent schedules). The recommendation is to use only non-abrasive cleaners and soft cloths to keep the metal surface intact, avoiding scratches as much as possible. It is also crucial to protect stainless steel from contact with corrosive substances (such as chlorides and aggressive chemicals) that can damage it and undermine its resistance and durability.

Want to know more?

Do you want to increase the longevity of your complex stainless steel assemblies and products? Discover how we can assist you: rely on our professionals and evaluate the benefits you can obtain for your processes.

Metal’s ecological footprint and the next steps for the environment

increase longevity complex stainless steel assemblies

The environment is a topic close to our hearts. That’s why in 2024 at Metal’s we have decided to expand our Green Mission by initiating two new sustainability projects:

  • Measuring the Carbon Footprint to calculate the direct and indirect amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) we emit into the atmosphere daily.
  • Developing an LCA tool (Life Cycle Assessment) to understand the environmental impact of Metal’s products throughout their lifecycle.

These ambitious goals were detailed during the presentation of our biennial sustainable development plan, and they will help us offer maximum transparency to our customers and partners regarding our daily activities at Metal’s. In this article, we present the initial results from the Carbon Footprint analysis. The data pertain to the 2023 emissions and are essential for drafting the sustainability plan. Let’s take a look.

Metal’s commitment to sustainability: carbon footprint measurement results 

As mentioned, the Carbon Footprint allows us to precisely determine the CO2 emissions of our organization for the year 2023. The calculation is based on the international “Greenhouse Gas Protocol” (GHGP) standard, a recognized standardized method in the “Corporate Standard” that classifies corporate emissions into 3 categories:

  • Scope 1: Direct emissions of the company, where all energy bill data or purchase invoices are analyzed to calculate the emissions generated by the organization through production processes and the corporate fleet.
  • Scope 2: Indirect emissions where supply contracts and GSE reports (used in photovoltaic systems) are compared to determine emissions originating from an external supplier.
  • Scope 3: Includes all other indirect CO2 emission sources related to the company’s business category (including the entire supply chain, goods transportation, business travel, investments).

Let’s examine the data that emerged for Metal’s, one by one.

Metal's sustainability results 2023 
Category: Corporate

Scope 1: CO2 emissions produced by Metal’s in 2023

The data processing for 2023 revealed that our company emitted 153 tons of CO2. Specifically:

  • 120 tons of natural gas
  • 18 tons of gasoline for vehicles
  • 15 tons of diesel for vehicles

Thus, natural gas, used for heating, contributes 78% to Scope 1 CO2 emissions.

Scope 2: What are the energy consumptions for 2023?

Two different approaches were used to measure the exact value for Scope 2:

  • Location-Based Approach: A traditional method considering the emissions of the energy mix of the region where the company is located (the mix can come from renewable sources, as well as nuclear, gas, or coal). This approach correctly represents the energy actually drawn from the grid.
  • Market-Based Approach: An alternative that considers only the electricity mix of the company’s supplier, not the regional electric grid mix. This approach accounts for the type of energy purchased, considering the potential purchase of renewable energy.

The first methodology best represents the source of energy drawn from the grid but doesn’t highlight alternative and renewable sources; conversely, the second calculation system showcases the company’s efforts towards a green alternative but isn’t exhaustive regarding the regional sources used. For a more complete result, it is best to consider both.

For Metal’s, the Carbon Footprint analysis for Scope 2 revealed the following 2023 emissions:

  • 441 tons of CO2 (Location-Based Approach)
  • 411 tons of CO2 (Market-Based Approach)

Scope 3: The purchase of raw materials is impactful

As anticipated, Scope 3 is based on parameters that vary according to the type of company. For Metal’s, the calculations were divided into two macro-categories:

  • Upstream Emissions: indirect emissions related to the purchase of goods or services (considering transport, waste, production scraps, leased assets, business travel, and commuting).
  • Downstream Emissions: focused on the emissions of sold products (including the transport of finished products to customers, product use, disposal, and investments).

For our organization, the analysis focused on these categories:

  • Purchased goods or services
  • Capital goods
  • Fuel- and energy-related activities
  • Upstream transportation and distribution
  • Waste and production scraps
  • Employee commuting
  • Downstream transportation and distribution

From the results, the Upstream category impacts Scope 3 emissions the most (with 99.6%). Here are the detailed percentages:

  • Purchased goods or services: 89% (mainly due to the purchase of raw materials like steel and auxiliary materials for producing semi-finished and complex assemblies)
  • Upstream transportation and distribution: 6%
  • Employee commuting: 3%
  • Waste and production scraps, fuel- and energy-related activities: 2%

The Downstream category, considering only the activities of transporting and distributing goods produced by Metal’s to the customer, stands at 0.4%.

Focusing on the analysis of Upstream category data:

  • The purchase of raw materials (particularly stainless steel) generated 3010 tons of CO2 (about 82%)
  • Packaging and auxiliary materials (such as paper, cardboard, wood for pallets, plastic for packaging, components for assemblies, abrasives for steel brushing, as well as financial, insurance, management services, maintenance, marketing, and outsourced work) impact 3% and 7% of the emissions linked to purchased materials.

What are the total emissions produced by Metal’s in 2023?

Metal's sustainability results 2023 
Category: Corporate

Summing up Scope 1, 2, and 3, Metal’s total CO2 emissions for 2023 are 4,716 tons. How should these numbers be interpreted, and what can be done to improve? Here are some plausible hypotheses, subject to technical feasibility evaluations in the sustainability plan to be drafted by the end of the year.

1. Finding New Solutions to Reduce Natural Gas Usage

Analyzing Scope 1 emission values (primarily from natural gas for heating and, to a lesser extent, from company vehicles) reveals that this data is relatively low compared to the total (120 tons of CO2 out of 4,716 tons total, including Scopes 1, 2, and 3). 

To improve efficiency, we can consider other ecological heating systems to reduce emissions, such as using electric heat pumps and implementing an electric or hybrid vehicle fleet.

2. Focusing on renewable resources

Scope 2 emissions calculated with the two methods – Location-Based Approach and Market-Based Approach – show that the energy mix of the electricity supplier is already better than that of the national electric grid.

It is still possible to further reduce electricity-related emissions by installing new photovoltaic systems (in addition to those already existing at Metal’s) or purchasing more energy from renewable sources

3. Evaluating the purchase of more sustainable raw materials 

For our company, the major source of CO2 emissions is Scope 3. In this case, steel purchase impacts the final percentage. For raw material procurement, Metal’s already relies on European suppliers and other entities sensitive to sustainability (reflecting our Green Mission). Our goal is to reduce the values identified in the Carbon Footprint. To achieve this, we will work on two fronts:

  • Collaborating with our suppliers to identify products with the lowest environmental impact.
  • Working with our customers to understand the importance of low-emission steel and evaluate their willingness to pay a premium for a sustainable, planet-friendly product.

A final note on waste and production scraps (a category identified within Scope 3). The emission percentage is very low (2%), but this category is strategic. By investing in scrap material, we can produce recycled steel to reduce emissions and increase product circularity.

In conclusion, every action will be decided by the end of the year during the drafting of the sustainability plan.

Want to know more?

If you care about the planet like we do and seek a serious partner already committed to developing sustainable practices, trust Metal’s. We can realize your projects, find out how!

We have our own generator for self-production of nitrogen

In addition to the expansion of the photovoltaic plant and mainly to have stability in gas production costs over time, few weeks ago we started a new plant for the self-production of nitrogen.

Having the gas that powers our laser cutting systems always available is very important for us and this plant not only gives us a guarantee of continuity of supply, but above all allows us to generate less road transports further supporting the company’s initiatives related to our Green Mission.

We use solar energy: clean and renewable energy

For more than 7 years we are producing green energy which allows us, among other things, to contribute to the reduction of atmospheric pollution. Up to now we have reduced CO2 emissions of -795 tons.

We have self-consumed the 96.5% of this energy production.

We have recently implemented this system with additional power.

Waste: reduction and prevention

The environmentally friendly purchase of all our products is the starting point of our production chain. Purchases of raw materials and components without packaging or with recyclable packaging are preferred.

Responsibility in all phases of the chain has allowed us to reduce the production of dry waste of more than 30% in the last 3 years.

Hybrid technology in our machines pool

In the last few years we have been giving more and more space to machines and systems equipped with hybrid technology. Our aim is to further reduce the environmental impact of our emissions into the environment. Currently, our machines pool has 4 electro-hydraulic hybrid bending systems.

Metal’s plastic free!

We provided all our staff with customized Metal’s water bottles. All the team can use the water columns installed in the company for the supply of still and sparkling water.

A further step in the plastic-free perspective that the company has decided to adopt.

In this way, in fact, we plan to completely abolish the production of waste related to plastic bottles and containers.

We motivate our employees to environmentally friendly activities

In order to give a clear support and avoid possible errors on the waste handling we have developed clear color signs with images and description. By training and making this operation simple, we have significantly reduced the amount of non-recyclable waste.

Stop to the notice boards in paper format

From several years we are not using notice boards with documents in paper format. All internal communication has been digitized and transmitted through screens placed in the coffee break areas. A small contribution to reduce paper consumption!

Transport: our environmental responsibility

Our attention and responsibility for the environment is a key point also in our logistics management. Metal’s has always used vehicles in “round trip”. We plan transports in an optimal way to reduce empty kilometers. We only cooperate with international organizations with modern trucks that are respecting all the environmental standards.