Collaborative robots in the field of mechanical machining

Collaborative robots

Collaborative robots (or cobots) are designed to promote interaction between machines and humans in the production environment.

Conceived in the late 1990s by two professors from Northwestern University, J. Edward Colgate and Michael Peshkin, cobots have become increasingly efficient and safe. The Danish company Universal Robots introduced them to the market in the 2000s, selling the first product in 2008 and thereby paving the way for smart manufacturing.

But how does the collaboration between humans and machines take place? How do they differ from traditional robots? And can they truly enhance production? In this article, we will address all these questions.

Cobot Robot: what they are, differences from robots, and main characteristics

Collaborative cobots are innovative robots designed to facilitate cooperation and interaction between workers and machines. They can lighten the operator’s workload and support them in more risky and heavy tasks.

This collaboration is made possible by some fundamental characteristics that differentiate cobots from traditional robots, such as lightweight design and innovative features including safety sensors. On one hand, these features ease the integration of the machine into the workplace, and on the other hand, they enhance its (artificial) intelligence to improve and maximize productivity by automating almost all operations.

The main differences from traditional robots

Cobots differ from traditional robots in terms of flexibility and lightweight design. Traditional robots are typically massive, heavy, and stationed at a fixed position. They occupy large spaces, and people need to maintain a proper distance from them, respecting the boundaries set by safety barriers.

Collaborative robots, on the other hand, represent a true revolution in the world of industrial robotics. They are light, compact, and designed with an anthropomorphic design that mirrors some human features. For example, some cobots trace the features of the arm in their shapes, even copying its movements.

Cobots, furthermore, involve sharing space with people when the work areas allow it. They have been designed to enable workers to perform various operations in close proximity to the machine, and, following a risk analysis, in most cases, they are implemented without protective barriers, ensuring total safety.

As for productivity, traditional robots excel in handling large volumes but are characterized by high rigidity. Cobots, on the other hand, are flexible and easy to deploy even on different tasks.

The characteristics that make cobots unique

Collaborative robots can be integrated into a work environment more easily compared to traditional robots, which require specific spaces along with the protective barriers we have already mentioned. They are versatile and programmable to perform various tasks, especially strenuous ones, in challenging environments, automating tedious and repetitive operations for the worker.

The proximity between humans and machines is also a plus because it allows combining the worker’s experience with the precision and endurance of the cobot. Both will work on the same components but with different tasks, thereby increasing production and reducing error rates.

Moreover, these mechanical arms, thanks to their compact size, do not alter the production layout and are quick to install. They do not require special electrical modifications. Additionally, thanks to the simple and intuitive programming interface, cobots can seamlessly integrate into an existing production line, and all workers (even those without previous experience in collaborative robotics) can quickly set up their functions.

Finally, cobots consume minimal energy, minimizing waste.

In summary, cobots offer:

  • Innovative design
  • Flexibility
  • Lightweight structure and movements
  • Ease of programming
  • Increased safety
  • Compact size
  • Collaboration with workers

All these features make them unique and excellent allies for increasing productivity.

The “Safety Issue”

The safety of cobots is a topic that deserves further exploration. As mentioned earlier, most collaborative robots do not require the installation of barriers, but precautions are still necessary to ensure the absolute safety of personnel.

One of these precautions is speed limitation, as outlined in the Technical Standard UNI EN ISO 10218-2:2011, included in the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. The standard dictates that the cobot should be designed to modify its actions and movements based on human presence. This allows the machine to reduce its speed as soon as a person enters the workspace, returning to normal operation after the person exits.

All of this is made possible by sophisticated and reliable sensors and motion control systems that accurately and promptly detect human presence (and other obstacles) in the work area.
Furthermore, some cobots are equipped with additional safety features, such as a sensitive surface that immediately stops upon contact with people and restrictions on the orientation of tools in case an operator enters a risky area.

Collaborative robotics and industry: what future holds?

The industrial sector is becoming increasingly aware of the positive impact that cobots and, more broadly, collaborative robotics can offer in the workplace.

The collaboration between humans and machines can relieve workers from certain heavy, repetitive, and risky tasks, allowing them to focus on other activities. Additionally, cobots can be implemented in various projects to reduce overall time and costs, not to mention the energy savings in general consumption.

Equipped with highly sensitive sensors, cobots ensure maximum precision in all stages of the manufacturing process, guaranteeing quality and accuracy in production.

This is why the adoption of these new intelligent machines is a growing trend. The Interact Analysis Global Collaborative Robot Market – 2023 study estimates that “the size of the global collaborative robot market is expected to reach $10.8 billion by 2028, with a year-over-year growth of 40.1%.”

Why use cobot robots in the mechanical and metallurgical industries

As highlighted, integrating cobots into the machinery can improve and innovate production, with a primary focus on assisting operators in hazardous or heavy tasks.

Collaborative robotics can be easily employed in various sectors, including mechanical and metallurgical industries. This innovation aligns optimally with the needs of smart manufacturing, facilitating intelligent management of processes and human resources. Moreover, it allows companies to stay abreast of the times, offering products capable of meeting the evolving demands of the market.

In particular, in the mechanical and metallurgical sectors, cobots can enhance the precision of machining, minimizing the risks of errors. They are useful in the following phases:

  • Assembly: for assembling parts made of metal, plastic, and other materials; screwing and fastening various components.
  • Welding: for safely welding components using various methods (including laser technology)
  • Handling: to automate the loading and unloading of materials.

Collaborative robots are, therefore, cutting-edge technology that can improve business performance and the production process, not by replacing humans but by enhancing and refining their work.

In Metal’s, we are finalizing projects that involve the application of cobots to automate various phases of our process, particularly for performing operations such as:

  • MIG and TIG welding
  • Laser welding
  • Brushing
  • Capacitor discharge

Collaborative robotics can perfectly integrate into the existing production line to handle complex tasks requiring a high level of precision and quality. They can relieve operators from more strenuous tasks, improve finishes by increasing precision, and enhance consistency in production, further innovating our machinery.

Would you like to know more?

Rely on Metal’s for your projects: we produce and assemble systems, machines, and complete devices according to your plans, using state-of-the-art machinery to ensure production within agreed timelines.

On the way to Internorga

We’re thrilled to announce that starting tomorrow, we’ll be attending the renowned Internorga Trade Fair in Hamburg!

Internorga is the ultimate meeting point for the hospitality and food service industry, bringing together innovators, experts, and enthusiasts from around the globe.
From March 8th to March 12th, we’ll be welcoming visitors at Hall B7, Booth 516.
It will be a great opportunity for us to connect with industry leaders, explore emerging trends in the world of hospitality but above all to highlight how we can support businesses in the production of stainless steel components, assemblies and machine parts.

If you’re attending Internorga, stop by our booth!

See you in Hamburg!

Surface treatments for steel: shot peening and satin finishing

Steel surface treatments

Shot peening and satin finishing are two of the most commonly used surface treatments for refining stainless steel surfaces.

But what goals do they allow to achieve, and how do the two processes differ? In this article, we will explore the advantages, common characteristics, and differences between the two methodologies, as well as how to use them effectively.

What are the surface treatments of stainless steel and what are they used for?

Various surface treatments can be applied to stainless steel. These processes are typically carried out after manufacturing, with either aesthetic or functional purposes. They are useful, for example, in removing scratches or enhancing the material’s resistance.

Among the well-known surface treatments for stainless steel, we can mention:

  • brushing to smooth the surface;
  • electropolishing: providing a shiny, brilliant surface and reducing roughness;

In addition to these, we’ll delve into stainless steel shot peening and satin finishing in the following paragraphs.

What is stainless steel shot peening and how it is done

As reported in the study “Effect of shot peening on the hardening and surface roughness of nitrided austenitic stainless steel”, published in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, shot peening is a treatment that enhances not only the material’s aesthetics but also renews its robustness and extends its life.

Following all processes – such as cutting, welding, punching… – stainless steel undergoes significant changes in its structure, which tends to lose strength and resistance.

The shot peening process takes place in the final stages of production and is entrusted to specific machinery where stainless steel is literally bombarded by thousands of spheres (made of glass, steel, ceramic) across its entire surface.

This process occurs at high speed. The compressed air jet – controlled at every step – pushes the beads against the area to be treated, ensuring a better distribution of tension throughout the material and increasing its solidity without damaging the surface. In fact, the process creates small craters on the stainless steel’s surface layer, inducing metal compression, making it more resistant and durable.

Additionally, this treatment also impacts the aesthetics of the steel. Shot peening, indeed, eliminates imperfections and scratches, improves material adhesion, and roughness, preparing the material for subsequent processes, such as painting, for example.

Shot peening and micropowder peening of stainless steel: features and benefits

Shot peening and micropowder peening are two treatments that are practically identical, differing primarily in the size of the spheres used in the process. Micropowder peening, in particular, is recommended for the processing of high-quality and delicate components.

Depending on the desired finish, the abrasive material of the spheres (such as ceramic, glass, stainless steel) and their size can be selected to recreate a uniform, matte, non-reflective, and highly homogeneous surface.

The shot peening or micropowder peening process is, therefore, recommended for:

  • increasing the durability of the material;
  • improving the strength of stainless steel after processing;
  • uniformizing the surface;
  • eliminating oxidation, welding traces, and imperfections.

Satin finishing of stainless steel: What is its purpose?

Satin finishing, on the other hand, is a treatment primarily focused on the aesthetic aspect of a stainless steel product. In this case as well, the process occurs on the material’s surface to be worked on, but it involves the use of abrasive belts to eliminate imperfections and scratches. Moreover, the belts can have different grains and formats depending on the desired result.

The satin finishing process is delicate and rather complex: the treatment must be uniform, carried out with great precision, and using cutting-edge machinery to perfectly address defects caused by previous processes (such as bending and welding).

The advantages of satin finishing can be summarized as follows:

  • Eliminates imperfections resulting from stainless steel processing (such as burrs, oxidation, and scratches).
  • Gives the metal a matt appearance, making it aesthetically more appealing.
  • Removes the reflection on the surface, making it opaque (useful in certain markets, such as the food and packaging industry, for example).
  • Prepares stainless steel for further surface treatments or coatings.

Why consider shot-peened steel?

As we have seen, satin finishing and shot peening are two crucial surface treatments for stainless steel, especially for those involved in complex assemblies. Each treatment has its own characteristics that should be considered based on the ultimate goal and the target market.

Shot-peened steel is more durable because shot peening, as we’ve discussed, increases its robustness, in addition to improving its aesthetics. Therefore, this can be a process to consider not only for enhancing the product’s appearance but also to prepare it well for subsequent processing stages and enhance its durability over time.

Upon request, at Metal’s, we carry out shot peening treatments on stainless steel using glass or ceramic microspheres. This material, in particular, allows us to work on the product’s aesthetics while simultaneously enhancing the hardness and resistance of the material.

Of course, to achieve the desired result, factors such as the hardness of the material used for the spheres, their size, the speed, flow, and intensity of the jet must be taken into consideration.

Do you want to know more?

Discover the best stainless steel surface treatments for your project. Rely on our professionals and evaluate the benefits you can achieve in your processes.

Metal’s case history: optimizing costs while maintaining the product’s aesthetics to adapt it to different markets

At Metal’s we manufacture stainless steel assemblies, semi-finished products, parts and components in agreed quantities, managing the entire process: from orders to delivery. We can handle all kinds of projects, especially the most complex and challenging ones, following every step of the logistical and production process.

Our goal is to deliver the required products to our customers, respecting the quality and technical prerogatives agreed during the design phase. We operate in different markets, adapting design and functionality to their characteristics, and following the entire product realization process. Whenever possible, we recommend improved options to reduce production costs without affecting the quality of the materials used or delivery times.

Reducing production costs while meeting market demands: a Metal’s case history

The feasibility of a project and the application of possible improvements in economic and technical terms are assessed by our technical department. This analysis usually takes place at an early stage of the process but can be requested by the customer at a later stage, when production has already started. As happened, for example, with a major customer in the Food & Beverage sector.

The case and the request in brief: cutting costs without affecting quality and aesthetics

A company operating in the Food & Beverage sector entrusted us with the manufacture of beverage vending machines: products that we supply to our customer ready for shipment to their end customer, packaged and placed on the pallet, equipped with a welded painted steel frame, display, plastic accessories, wheels and stickers.

The request: to find a solution that would allow us to reduce product production costs without affecting quality and aesthetics, while ensuring compliance with the specifications necessary to produce distributors in line with the needs of the various markets. A common request among our customers, who often contact us to produce the product while optimizing production costs.

It is a different challenge for every project. Each one requires a specific and customized solution. In this case, for example, the beverage dispenser had to have a very large display, refrigerator and boiler, because it was intended for the Middle Eastern market.

Our proposal: a new fastening system combined with new folds

The technical team that followed the initial stages of study and design suggested:

  • to change the fastening systems, shifting from welding to riveting (a technique that maintains the same solidity and rigidity, at lower costs);
  • implement special bends to allow specific fastenings;
  • consider the industrialization of the process by creating dedicated molds to produce the parts and using robotics during the brushing phase.

More design solutions to choose from

The proposals put forth by our technical department were aimed at cost reduction. Suggestions were then evaluated by the customer, who took them into consideration for his final choice. Our task, in fact, is to develop the project in accordance with the requirements agreed with those who rely on us. It is always the client who identifies which among the suggested options is most suitable for their objectives.

Analysis and testing to achieve the best possible result

At Metal’s, the technical department is involved from the early stages of the process. In particular, it assesses the technical feasibility of the project and the costs, then creates prototypes to be tested before starting production.

What happens when you involve the technical department in a project that has already started, as in the case illustrated in this article? Just as if it were a new job. The department explores possible alternatives to fulfil the client’s requirements. It examines and tests various options, outlining the advantages of each proposal and presenting the client only those renderings that can enhance the project.

For example, when making beverage dispensers for Middle Eastern countries, our engineering department considered the particular functionalities of the product, evaluating different alternatives to reduce costs while meeting the demands of the target market and the quality of the components.

This has been an interesting challenge for our team: being a complex assembly, every decision made could also affect other elements, starting from the aesthetics:

“When the customer asked us if it was possible to reduce product costs without interfering with the aesthetics and quality of the components, the engineering department took back the initial project to evaluate possible solutions. It was an interesting challenge since these particular beverage vending machines were designed for the Middle Eastern market. In this model, in fact, both a refrigerator and a coffee boiler have been installed, along with a larger display compared to traditional ones. All components that – if modified – could affect both costs and aesthetics of the product. The technical department therefore made several proposals, creating a prototype for the customer to physically test the functionalities of the new version of the product and evaluate any modifications”. – Luca Regazzo, Technical Sales Manager.

From design to delivery: entrust everything to us

When the customer positively evaluated the prototype, our technical department gave the green light for production. The product was then tested to ensure it met all standards before being delivered and placed on the target market.

At Metal’s, we follow every phase of the process – we have already talked about how we work in a dedicated article – and, if required, we can assemble the various components to provide a finished product ready for use. Thanks to a state-of-the-art machine park, in operation 24 hours a day, we ensure continuous production and delivery of products on time.

We can also handle logistics. If the product is complete and requires no further finishing, you can entrust the shipment to us and we will ensure that your batches arrive at their destination. As far as packaging is concerned, all specifications are agreed upon in advance with the customer and customized to ensure that the product is delivered without damage and designed to optimize transport.

A single partner for the most complex projects

The case study discussed in this article is just one of many examples of how we work every day to meet our customers’ demands. Rely on Metal’s for your productions.

Brushed steel: the hygienic finishing

steel brushing

Steel brushing is a very popular finish for semi-finished products and complex assemblies. It is performed after other processes (such as bending and welding) to eliminate inaccuracies and to make the stainless steel more homogenous, smooth to the touch and opaque.

Its function is aesthetic, but also hygienic: brushing makes the surface easier to clean and suitable for use in the food and medical sectors.

In this article, we will describe how the brushing process takes place, its advantages and the effect on the appearance of the final product.

Features and benefits of steel brushing

Brushing is a precision operation that eliminates irregularities on stainless steel surfaces.

It is generally carried out in the last stages of the production process to remove small defects or “smooth” the metal, giving it a matt and less shiny appearance.

In particular, it is useful to:

  • make the surface smooth and homogenous, eliminating irregularities;
  • cover metal surface defects;
  • eliminate shiny effects.

Usually, it is performed using specific tools and machinery – manual or automated – that, thanks to the combination of abrasive brushes with variable grain size and wax-like substances, enable stainless steel to be worked to eliminate superficial defects in the metal or residues from previous processes.

To be carried out to perfection, brushing must be light. Abrasive brushes, in fact, must act gently on the metal to structure the surface, without removing or damaging its layers.

A very precise operation that is usually carried out with state-of-the-art equipment. In particular, when they are robotised, they are “instructed” and configured with the right specifications by skilled workers to complete the assembly or semi-finished product with the finish agreed with the customer.

The equipment plays an important role in this phase, as does the degree of preparation of the workers specialized in the stainless steel processing. 

For this reason, Metal’s fleet will soon be expanded with new equipment and, at the same time, we will invest in employees training. In particular, we will have 9 brushing booths, 6 of which are manual systems and 3 robotic systems, to speed up the production process and guarantee the finishing of semi-finished products and complex assemblies within the agreed times.

Does brushing increase steel strength?

Stainless steel boasts several properties including deformability, hardness, ease of cleaning, thermal conductivity and resistance to corrosion. Choosing brushing as a finish not only increases the metal’s strength but also offers other interesting advantages.

This particular finish, in fact, is useful for other purposes. As we have already mentioned, on an aesthetic level it eliminates imperfections, even those that may occur during machining. At Metal’s, for example, we choose the raw material in accordance with our customers’ needs both in terms of aesthetic requirements and technical specifications.

However, during the production process, small porosities and micro-cracks can be created in the material, especially during welding, laser cutting or punching phases. In this case, brushing the steel allows not only to eliminate residues of previous processing (such as dark spots accumulated during welding, for example) but also to level the metal, making it smooth to touch again and without imperfections.

Futhermore, this finishing is required by companies operating in the medical and food industries because it is able to remove all pores from stainless steel, guaranteeing greater hygienic safety. Micro-cracks can harbour bacteria, which are not particularly welcome in these areas, which must be aseptic and easy to clean.

Stainless steel, in fact, is the only material suitable for coming into contact with food. Moreover, thanks to its high resistance to corrosion and extreme temperatures, it is one of the most widely used materials in the medical sector.

In order to maintain these valuable characteristics, however, stainless steel must always be perfect. Brushing, therefore, is an important finish because it can ensure a low roughness to the metal (about 0.8 microns), smoothen the surface and prevent contamination.

Where should brushing be used?

To summarise, brushing can be applied in all areas and on all products, but it is especially recommended in the food and medical fields to produce semi-finished products and complex stainless steel assemblies that are safe, easy to sanitise and without the risk of contamination.

On an aesthetic level, for example, it can be useful to eliminate any imperfections from the surfaces of semi-finished products and components that require high aesthetic characteristics such as for professional kitchens, machines, for bakery or professional cafeterias.

The finishing can also be applied to switchboards, control cabinets and other specific equipment for industrial use.

Finally, it can be used for the finishing refrigerators, food processing machines, meat processing machines, bottling machines and other appliances for the catering or large-scale distribution, ensuring product durability and easy maintenance.

Brushed steel maintenance and cleaning

Cleaning, sanitizing and maintaining brushed steel is very simple and fast.

In order not to damage the material, while preserving aesthetics and resistance over time, it is advisable to use a soft cloth and specific detergents for stainless steel, especially when the finished products are used in the HORECA, medical or industrial sector. Even ethyl alcohol, to be sprayed on the surface and immediately removed with a dry cloth, also guarantees cleanliness and shine.

In addition, you should not use:

  • abrasive sponges and metal sponges, which can cause surface scratches;
  • bleach and chlorine-based detergents, which reduce the resistance of steel.

By following these steps, steel will retain its characteristics for a long time and will not be damaged.

Do you want to know more?

What are the benefits of brushing? Trust Metal’s, find out what this finish consists of and what benefits it could bring to your project.

New Industry 4.0 investments

By participating in the “Sustainable Investments 4.0 Grant”, we have been able to realize a significant technological investment that increases production volumes while optimizing manufacturing processes for our products, ensuring greater efficiency and versatility to our facility.

The increased productivity achieved, further maximized through integration with the factory’s MES system, represents another step forward in the company’s technological innovation journey, which also ensures an improvement in overall sustainability.

Metal’s case history: simplify a complex project, reducing maintenance costs

case study extraction hoods

At Metal’s we can handle the entire production process, to realise stainless steel assemblies, semi-finished products, parts and components in the quantities and with the characteristics you need. We love challenges and this is why we can realise even the most complex projects.

Ours is a path that, from consultancy to production, goes through multiple stages to offer our customers the desired product, within the agreed timeframe and according to the planned investment, often offering improvement solutions that reduce costs even once the product is in operation.

Reducing production and maintenance costs: a Metal’s case history

Our technical department assesses the feasibility of the entire job, proposing sustainable or alternative solutions to improve the initial project and optimise it, with important benefits, both technical and economic. This was the case, for example, of a major Food Processing customer. 

The case and request in brief: reducing the production costs of a complete assembly with all components

A customer in the food processing sector entrusted us with the production of suction elements for ovens, with one aim: to reduce costs by managing the entire production in Metal’s. A challenge we accepted with enthusiasm because making products of this type means not only machining stainless steel, but also finding improved solutions to produce a complete assembly of all the components necessary for its operation, including wiring, junction boxes, fans, exhaust pipes and condensation units.

Our proposal: streamlining the project to optimise production and maintenance costs

In order to reduce costs, our technical department has considered every variable to intervene on, including components already produced, stock residues and open orders. Then, thanks to timely and active discussions with the customer, they designed a solution that not only met the required criteria, but also allowed an optimization of post-production costs.

In fact, our engineers have proposed the construction of grooves to drain water more efficiently and reduce the number of welds, while providing an interlocking system for the fans to facilitate the replacement of the component in case of repair. Suction elements designed in this way are easier to assemble, clean and maintain.

Reliability even in emergency conditions

At Metal’s we are the single point of contact for each project, which means that our customers can also rely on us for materials and components procurement, and not only for design development, production and delivery. We are at their side in everyday life and also in emergencies.

This was the case, for example, when, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the same Food Processing customer suddenly found itself without fans, an essential component, necessary for the operation of the suction elements, because its trusted supplier was not operational due to restrictive measures to contain the virus. In a short time, we looked for a new company that could meet the quality and cost requirements, guaranteeing supply and avoiding a production stop.

“Due to the pandemic, the supplier suggested by our customer, could not supply an essential component to put the suction units into operation, so we immediately dedicated ourselves to looking for an alternative product that guaranteed identical performance and sustainable costs. It wasn’t easy but we finally identified a European supplier. We asked to receive a sample to test it. Having assessed the quality of the component, we were able to proceed with production. Today, the supplier we identified during the emergency collaborates with us and with our customer for the construction of the suction units”. – Michele Perin, Purchasing Manager

Consultancy at the beginning of the project

At Metal’s, consultancy is an essential service that allows us to evaluate, together with the customer, the different paths to take in order to achieve the agreed end goal.

Usually this discussion takes place at the beginning of the collaboration (i.e. before starting the entire production process), but dialogue with customers is constant and can take place at any time.

It may happen, in fact, that changes are required to speed up the production process or reduce prices, while maintaining the same quality of semi-finished products or complex assemblies.

It also happens that some emergency situations have to be faced, such as the difficult availability of a component. Critical situations that could compromise delivery times or change the final price of the product, but which – thanks to timely and targeted intervention, the result of in-depth knowledge of the field and the reference market – can be contained.

At Metal’s, in fact, we can deal with the unexpected, delivering the desired product within the agreed times and prices.

To do this, we draw on the experience of a team of technicians, engineers and specialised workers who, after careful study, evaluate and suggest new options to meet customers’ demands.

From approval to product realisation

Once we have outlined the path to be taken together with the customer, we always make a prototype before starting up the series production.

This – especially in the case of changes of the initial project – allows us to carry out further checks, to test usability, solidity and verify, together with the customer, if every request made has been satisfied.

To manufacture the products, we make use of a fleet of state-of-the-art machines, active 24 hours a day. This allows us to meet agreed deadlines and avoid delays. Furthermore, production is constantly supervised by our technicians and the products must pass suitability tests before each delivery. This scrupulous and careful process allows us to deliver assemblies, machine parts, semi-finished products and components of the highest quality.

A single partner for the most complex projects

At Metal’s we can simplify any complex project and find effective solutions even in times of crisis. In this case study, we have illustrated an example of what we can do for you, even if the unexpected happens.

See you at HOST Milan 2023!

We are thrilled to announce that Metal’s will once again be participating in the prestigious Host Milano trade fair, an unmissable event in the world of hospitality and catering.
The fair represents a significant opportunity for us to share our latest innovations in terms of technologies and processes and to meet with our customers and partners.
You can find us at Pavilion 2, Stand P59.

We look forward to welcoming you to our booth and sharing our commitment to elevating the quality and efficiency of your services.

See you there!

Stainless steel: sustainability and eco-friendliness

sustainable stainless steel

Stainless steel is a sustainable material with important characteristics that can be used in various sectors and applications. Invented in the 19th century by the British metallurgical engineer Harry Brearley, stainless steel is composed mainly of iron, carbon and chromium, which can be combined with other alloys to increase its strength and expand its possible uses.

A material that does not oxidise and, above all, respects the environment. In what way can stainless steel be considered sustainable? What are its advantages – in terms of eco-sustainability – and how is it recycled? In this article we will answer all these questions.

Why stainless steel is sustainable?

Stainless steel is an easy-to-work material with a number of characteristics that help make it a sustainable metal:

  • resists to high temperatures and temperature fluctuations;
  • it does not get damaged easily;
  • it needs little maintenance;
  • it is durable;
  • it does not corrode.

Thanks to these special features, stainless steel is able to extend its life cycle and, unlike other materials, does not need to be replaced before its time. A considerable advantage because, by choosing stainless steel, you contribute to the reduction of waste and its disposal.

Not only that. Stainless steel has a low environmental impact: once produced, it causes no more polluting emissions and no more disposal and regeneration problems.

Choosing, therefore, stainless steel for your production allows you to make excellent, easy-to-clean and long-lasting products that respect the planet. Because of its many characteristics, it is used in numerous sectors, from food to medical.

Recycling steel: a permanent material that can be reused

Stainless steel is a long-lasting material; one of the strongest and most durable in the world. This is due to the high percentage of chromium contained in its composition which, in contact with oxygen, creates a transparent film that increases the ability of this metal to resist wear, time and oxidation.

Obviously, it is difficult to quantify the exact durability of stainless steel with a precise figure (even if we are talking about decades), because a lot depends on how it is used, the type of stainless steel chosen and any maintenance. What can be said with certainty, however, is that stainless steel is a durable and circular material, whose components always retain their original properties and are suitable to almost infinite reuse and regeneration.

As defined by the cultural organisation Fondazione Promozione Acciaio, stainless steel ‘is a permanent, 100% recyclable material for multiple cycles without loss of properties’, i.e. a durable metal that, unlike many others, ‘can be remelted over and over again without ever losing any of its intrinsic properties such as strength, ductility, formability, which make it irreplaceable in multiple applications’. All the metal bonds in the material’s recycling stages are restored during the resolidification process, maintaining its qualities.

Thus, at the end of their life cycle, items made of stainless steel can be dismantled, recovered or added to any scrap, to be recycled and live a new life in form of sheets, bars, tubes and other products.

Steel recycling and disposal

As we have seen, stainless steel can be recycled numerous times, without ever losing its properties. Recycling of the industrial material, as Confindustria points out in its Circular Economy magazine, is easy to be done.

Once its life cycle is over, steel is taken to the foundry where the scrap is cleaned and melted to take on a new function. From recycled steel, in fact, semi-finished products can be obtained that are useful for making, for example, vehicle components, machinery, household appliances and building materials.

This virtuous cycle brings numerous benefits to the planet also because the continuous recycling of steel avoids the use of new raw material. Just think that in Italy in the year 2021 as many as 450 thousand tonnes of raw material were saved, 6,625 TJ of primary energy and as many as 539 tonnes of CO2 were avoided. All data confirmed by Ricrea (National Consortium for Recycling and Recovery of Steel Packaging) reports.

Moreover, if we consider all steel – not only stainless steel -, as far as recycling is concerned, Italy is certainly one of the most virtuous European countries. According to data released by Ricrea, the percentage of recycled steel in Italy reaches a good 82%, thus exceeding the target set by the European Commission of 70% of steel in urban waste and 80% in packaging by 2030. This unlimited recycling leads not only to savings in raw materials and energy, but also to an important reduction of waste otherwise destined to dump.

Respecting the planet is also a priority for us. That is why, at Metal’s, we have chosen to process a highly sustainable material, using hybrid, energy-saving, low environmental impact plants, which allow us to optimise production, reduce consumption by maintaining the quality of our work.

Want to know more?

Choose stainless steel for your production: discover all the advantages of this material: rely on Metal’s to realise your projects.

Stainless steel in the food and medical sector: advantages and safety

stainless steel food and medical sector

Stainless steel is one of the most used materials in the food and medical sector because it offers numerous advantages and avoids the risk of contamination. Composed mainly of iron and chromium, combined with other alloys in different quantities, stainless steel is long-lasting, corrosion-resistant, easy to clean and maintain. Let’s take a closer look at its advantages, why and when it is most recommended.

Characteristics and properties of stainless steel

There are different types of steel on the market, varying according to the presence – or not – of phosphorus, silicon, boron, vanadium, manganese, sulphur… What distinguishes stainless steel from ordinary steel is its composition, which also includes chromium.

When the percentage of this chemical element exceeds 10.5%, in fact, a protective oxide layer is created which preserves the surface of the metal from any chemical agents, as well as humidity and salinity. The process that causes the formation of this thin and transparent passive film is known as passivation, a reaction that is activated when the metal comes into contact with oxygen.

Stainless steel, therefore, is a very tough alloy with important properties such as, for example, ease of processing, also using laser technologies: processes that create indispensable products for various markets, from the chemical to the food and pharmaceutical industries.

The main characteristics of stainless steel include:

  • lightness;
  • shine and brilliance;
  • heat and corrosion resistance;
  • low maintenance;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • high bacterial removability.

In addition, stainless steel does not need protective coatings.

Stainless steel applications in the food and medical sector

Being a biologically neutral material, stainless steel does not change the colour, smell or taste of the foods or substances it comes into contact with. In addition, its smooth, non-porous surface is antibacterial and very easy to clean, making it perfect for storage, as well as for preserving food and substances used in medical and cosmetic applications, removing the risk of contamination.

Stainless steel in the food processing sector

Stainless steel can be used to manufacture machinery, products and assemblies that involve contact with food. As a matter of fact, stainless steel is the only material suitable for coming into contact with food and can be used in numerous processes for both the domestic and industrial sectors. For example, at Metal’s we can produce and assemble semi-finished products and components such as:

  • accessories for large kitchens (including pasta cookers, frames, braising pans, oven chambers, oven doors assembled with glass and other materials, stainless steel furniture, roasters, fryers and hobs);
  • accessories for the ice cream sector;
  • parts of machinery for professional cafeterias and vending machines;
  • meat processing systems;
  • bakery and oven accessories (such as pizza presses, oven chambers, oven doors);
  • standard and industrial dishwashers;
  • refrigerators and other refrigeration products.

On the other hand, in the market for complex assemblies and machine parts, we mainly manufacture equipment that comes into contact with food (such as mincers, meat processing machines, slicers, homogenisers, liquid and solid separators); bottling machinery, as well as food and beverage processing and packaging.

Stainless steel applications in the medical sector

Just like the food industry, the pharma sector requires special care and stainless steel is recommended for various productions because it resists:

  • to corrosion, a quality that removes the risk of contamination, even in the case of products with volatile particles;
  • to extreme temperatures, which in the pharmaceutical and chemical sectors are often extremely low (due to cryogenesis).

At Metal’s, for example, we produce and assemble semi-finished products, machine parts or complex assemblies, including X-ray equipment in painted steel. Professional equipment such as washing tank units used in hospital and private facilities, which we also complete with galvanic or electrochemical treatments to further increase their strength.

A safe manufacturing process

As we have seen, stainless steel can be used in many sectors. At Metal’s we can carry out all kinds of processing, also thanks to an up-to-date, state-of-the-art machines fleet. The examples we have mentioned represent only a part of what we can achieve: we are always open to new challenges. Every time we receive a project, our technical staff evaluates its feasibility, suggesting the best solution that meets all the objectives, both in terms of cost and quality indicated by the customer.

In the production phase, we also pay particular attention to the quality of the product from an aesthetic point of view because many of our complex, semi-finished assemblies are exposed to the public (this is the case, for example, of professional coffee machines and vending machines for large-scale distribution).

An important clarification. At Metal’s we have decided to process only stainless steel to avoid contamination by other types of metal. In this way, all machines, equipment and environments are not contaminated by the processing of other metals and we can offer safe products for the medical and food markets. As regards, then, orders that involve the combination and assembly with materials other than stainless steel, we have chosen to handle separate processing environments: a precaution that prevents metal from being compromised.

Do you want to know more?

Is your company in the food processing or medical sector? Rely on Metal’s to realise your projects. We will follow you in all stages: from consulting through production to delivery.